
PTO Calendar

Sun 3/9
12:00 AM - Cade Lundberg
12:00 AM - Jeremy Gundling
12:00 AM - Tom Atkinson
12:00 AM - Jay Gilbert
Mon 3/10
12:00 AM - Jackson Lee
12:00 AM - Leigh Ann Moore
12:00 AM - Elliot Ballard
12:00 AM - Tom Atkinson
12:00 AM - Jay Gilbert
12:00 AM - Ricky Torres
Tue 3/11
12:00 AM - Jackson Lee
12:00 AM - Leigh Ann Moore
12:00 AM - Denny White
12:00 AM - Tom Atkinson
12:00 AM - Jay Gilbert
12:00 AM - Ricky Torres
Wed 3/12
12:00 AM - Leigh Ann Moore
12:00 AM - Jeremy Gundling
12:00 AM - Jackson Lee
12:00 AM - Jay Gilbert
12:00 AM - Ricky Torres
Thu 3/13
12:00 AM - Jeremy Gundling
12:00 AM - Travis Pennington
12:00 AM - Marc Davis
12:00 AM - Chris Richards
12:00 AM - Ricky Torres
12:00 AM - Jay Gilbert
12:00 AM - Leigh Ann Moore
12:00 AM - Jackson Lee
Fri 3/14
Sat 3/15
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Kudos/Special Thanks

Dustin Kraft
Dustin's patience, great energy and willingness to jump right in to work with Pastoral Care and improve the Prayer Wall and all the things to make it easier for Prayer Partners reach out to pray and help others know Jesus. Thanks Dustin!

Karla Riley
Karla is patient, kind, informative, and encouraging. We are blessed to have her leading our Human Resources needs!! Karla, thank you for being a blessing and serving the Lord with your gifts and talents.

Will Ballard
Will Ballard has gone above and beyond with organizing NHStudent scholarships this year. I could reach out at any time with a question, and he always had a way to get the answer. Thank you for leading so many kiddos to Jesus!

Leslie Echartea
Leslie has been amazing getting "all the things" done ahead of time before she goes out to have her little baby. She has set our team up for success! She is always going the extra mile and is so appreciated. I know she'll be a great mama!!

Mike Cervantes
Pastor Mike, Michelle, and all our Pastors along with their wives, did such an excellent job sharing "pro-tips" at the Marriage Conference. I really felt like I know them all a little bit more. Thank you Jesus for the world of wealth they shared and how they strive to help our marriages and families better. Love you guys!!

Jerri Bragg
Jerri always goes above and beyond in how she serves and loves her volunteers and the church family at 288. Her commitment to excellence and heart for the Lord truly exemplifies her rock star status on the team! Thank you, Jerri, for being awesome!

Luzy Sonora
Luzy is always cheerful and happy to help anyone who needs assistance. She submitted a Support Ticket for me when I was busy on Sunday to help resolve an issue. Thanks Luzy!

Taylor Jones
Thank you to Taylor Jones for killing a wasp in my office today! (I have a bad allergy to them) Taylor should now be known as the IT Super Hero! :)

Deanna Godeaux
Big Kudos to Deanna for volunteering an NHK event and passing out invites to Pearland families!!!

Andy Bowman
Many thanks to Andy and the CPs for hosting the Marriage Dinner! Appreciate your willingness and intentionality to pour into our team's relational health; it was a good reminder that our first ministry is in our own homes and our spouses are just as much "in ministry" as we are. It was great to see the CPs have a good time on stage during the Q and A with their wives and with one another. Kudos for making it happen and making it fun (and only slightly awkward!) ;)

Rodney Altenbaugh
Rodney is a blessing to everyone he is around!! I am immensely thankful for his encouragement and leadership! Rodney you ROCK!!

Zach Smith
A big shout out to Zach for manning the Production Booth when Victor was out sick. This allowed Lisa to attend service with her ONEs. We appreciate you Zach!

Aylissa Manjang
It's been a joy having Aylissa on team Alvin! She walks naturally with love, care and kindness. Also, she made our little family some BOMB fajitas after Ollie was born!!

Niccole Liston-Tyson
Thankful for everything Niccole does for our worship team and church! Much of it is behind the scenes but definitely doesn't go un-noticed.

Michelle Ikerd
Thank you for helping our growing family with meals after Ollie was born! So many people jumped in to help and made us feel cared for and loved.

Enter Kudos

Upcoming Team Birthdays:

Ashley Jeffery - March 20th

Karina White - March 23rd

Amanda Guerrero - March 25th

Jeremy Gundling - March 25th

Jacob Echartea - March 26th

Rodney Altenbaugh - March 27th

Taylor Jones - March 28th

KC Ruiz - April 5th

Daniela Mitchell - April 7th

Deanna Godeaux - April 12th

Upcoming Team Anniversary:

Brittany Lambert - 3/14/2022 (3 years)

Karla Riley - 3/23/2008 (17 years)

Marc Davis - 3/29/2010 (15 years)

Ricky Torres - 3/29/2016 (9 years)

Emily DeBuck - 4/6/2021 (4 years)

Marque Cryderman - 4/11/2022 (3 years)

Ashli Cryderman - 4/11/2022 (3 years)

New Hires

Hannah McLemore - NHK Associate Campus Manager - 288